Designed and Developed a WordPress website for a float tank therapy company located in Australia, making sure all important details such as phone number and email are in clear and easy to read writing up on the front page. This website loads in under 2 seconds on shared hosting and is properly cached optimizing for speed.
This sleek, chic, and magnifique website appeals to the senses with a clean feeling. Wonderful photos of the product are matched perfectly to the background, as if to immerse you in the product itself!
This is a technique used by our design team to make you feel at home. In the comfort of your cloud, floating on a products momentum into the market as a successful approach to healing.
When looking at the services and FAQ page, you can really see the color scheme is very aquatic and soothing. All your senses are achieving balance as you book a float, and the service is something else! A professional and clean design, tends to be a home run in terms of traffic building for your site.
Also another key to business referral is a good website! If people can see the success in your business, they will be more likely to trust your product and services.