Cigar Emperor is a premium online cigar retailer that offers a wide range of cigars from the finest brands across the world. The company wanted to improve its online presence by revamping its website and making it more user-friendly, fast, and SEO-friendly.
Challenges: The previous website of Cigar Emperor was outdated and slow, which made it difficult for users to navigate and browse the site smoothly. Additionally, the site had poor SEO, resulting in low search engine rankings and low visibility.
Solution: FunkPd was approached to design and develop a new website for Cigar Emperor. Our team worked closely with the client to understand their requirements and preferences. We used WordPress as the CMS and ensured that the site was easy to navigate and user-friendly.
Speed Improvements: One of the key focus areas was to improve the speed of the website. Our team optimized the images and implemented lazy loading to ensure that the site loaded quickly. Additionally, we used a fast and reliable hosting service to ensure that the site was always accessible.
High Google Lighthouse Score: We also optimized the site for search engines by implementing best practices for SEO. This included using keyword-rich content, meta tags, and header tags. Our team also made sure that the site was mobile-friendly and responsive, which is crucial for a high Google Lighthouse score.
Results: The new website of Cigar Emperor was launched successfully and received a positive response from users. The site loaded faster and was more user-friendly, which improved the user experience. The site also achieved a high Google Lighthouse score, which boosted its search engine rankings and visibility.
Conclusion: FunkPd was able to deliver a high-quality website for Cigar Emperor that met all the client’s requirements. The site was user-friendly, fast, and optimized for search engines, which improved the online presence of the company. Our team used the latest technologies and best practices to deliver a website that exceeded the client’s expectations.
FunkPd’s expertise in WordPress development and SEO optimization helped Cigar Emperor improve its online presence and reach a wider audience. The new website has helped the company grow its business and attract more customers.